Message from Frank Tschöpe
17.11. Falkland Islands
Just one correction: There are indeed 2 prominent persons among the passengers on board: One is Falcon Scott, who is a grandson of the famous arctic explorer Scott! And then there is Jonathan Shakleton, who is a cousin of Sir Ernest Shakleton! Today I had a smalltalk with the latter at the breakfast table! It was very interesting to hear that his parents married in Reykjavik where they stayed for about 3 months and he himself also spent some time in Iceland!
There are many interesting lectures on history, animal life and also on photography! Today there was one on the history of the Falkland Islands! It was very interesting! 120y ago there were 1million sheep on the islads! Nowadays around 2000 people are living there! During war in 1982 about 1000 people died! I will also join a photography course in the late afternoon, though I expect not to learn any new insights. But you never know!
There are 5 kayaking guides but I will skip kayaking, as there are many other things to do here! And it would cost you a flat rate of 1000 USD and it is open and dependent on wheather conditions for how many trips you will be going! At some days I will join the Yoga course with an instructor from New Zealand! I also plan to do 1h of exercise in the gym each day! But first I need to get rid of my cold and my soar throat!
I mainly live for my hobbies and I am very passionate for photography, hiking, running, travelling and going for all kinds of adventures! I am very happy to lead such a life and I am aware that on the other hand many people do lead a very boring life just focusing on their job! Most of those people however are not aware of this and over the years they got used to leading a very standard, boring life! Sometimes I am happy that they are not aware of this, as they would then get very unhappy on their life! Here you might ask yourself like "Do I really lead a fulfilling life?" I am very often laughing innerly when I am hearing the sentence "I am doing fine!" as in reality it is often meant as "I am doing fine on a very low level!" or even "I am very miserable these days!" But many people lie on this standard sentence! I know many of them! ;-) Better not ask "How are you doing?" at all!
Today after the "Zodiac briefing" we already got warm rubber boots! We have to clean then thourougly after each land excursion to get rid of penguin excrements which could behave like glue! ;-) We are allowed to approach penguins at a distance of 5m, but very often it is the penguins that might regard us strange visitors as a curiosity or an attraction and they will then inspect us more closely! They dont know about the 5m rule! It is a one sided rule only valid for us humans! So if they approach us then we will be allowed to be nearer to them then 5m and we will enjoy their closeness and curiosity!
The sea sometimes is very rough with some glasses already broken! Then it is a kind of mess with glass and drinks on the carpet! I continue to take those sleeping pills and so far I am not seasick at all! But I am not so sure how long I will be able to prevent sea-sickness! So far I kept my reservoir of red wine and chocolad nearly untouched! ;-) Once I feel more safe on my stomach and brain I will go to taste the delicious Malbec wines! I have 2011, 2012 and 2013 vintages and tell you afterwards which vintage you should go for! ;-)
It is very mild currently and when the sun is out I go for only 2 layers on the deck! Sunrise is already at about 5am! That is another reason travelling here when european winter is approaching! ;-)
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