Message from Frank Tschöpe
Hike to Lake Pucacocha (4512m) - Attacked by agressive bull
Today was another fantastic sunny day and I started early for a day hike with minimal equipment (mainly photography!). First I visited Lake Safuna Baja (4247m). Then I went on an amazing track to Lake Pucacocha (4512m).This beautiful lake is towered by 6000m high mountains! There were some old stone walls nearby! I have no idea what they had been used for in the past.
Then I had the idea to hike even more step up to another lake at 4650m, called Lake Quitaracsa. I needed to cross a meadow and was very surprised to meet a herd of cows, about 15 animals. First I just continued as usual but then there was a big black bull with horns that seemed to be the boss of the herd! He came closer to me with a deep voice and he looked like he right went for an attack! So I retreated very fast to some bigger stones where that bull could not advance so fast! And I was lucky that he only stepped forward a few meters and then stopped as the invader was sent away! So what did I learn! In Peru you have take care not only for criminals in Lima and for crazy busdrivers but you also need to take agressive bulls seriously! Best to avoid them fully!
Nontheless a great day with another series of nice pictures! Tomorrow will be a very tough climb over Gara Gara Pass at 4830m. I hope to reach already Alpamayo Base Camp North where I intend to stay at least another 2 days!
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